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Showing posts from May, 2021

A Salt Path

 That's the title of an ebook Im reading at present. A late middle aged couple way down on their luck are offered salvation by long distance hiking.   This weekend two Greenspeed trikes come up for sale.  One,  a GT20 needing an overhaul for $450, in South Australia.  It sold in hours.  Another in Western Australia had been powder coated and completely overhauled,  for $1250. It's actually great value,  but a non-folder and 10 000 plus kilometres away.   It strikes me,  after reading about the hikers,  with very little money,  failing health,  unemployed and homeless,  they take to the trail poorly prepared and unfit.  They're having a whale of an adventure.  Point being,  it's not about the bike.  It's the person riding or walking, "the man in the arena", that determines the nature and quality of the adventure.   The problem for me directly is the fact that I can't take more th...

Newcastle to Sydney route

 From Circular Quay took the ferry to Manly. Rode north via Narabeen to Palm Beach. Tiny ferry across Pittwater to Patonga, then rode up the hill across to Umina Beach, Woy Woy then some busier roads to Terrigal. From here I had a very pleasant ride north via The Entrance, Budgewoi, crossed the Pacific Highway then through Freemans Waterholes to the Hunter Valley.

Naming My Trike

   Well,  this is a photo of a trike the same model and of similar vintage to the one I am off  to see this week. The restoration project was undertaken by "Smoothie" pn the bentrider forum.  Coincidentally,  I  was browsing an ebook this morning by Bryan J. Ball the founder of Bent Rider Online.  One of the chapters discussed the issue of naming trikes.  Apparently,  at least in the US, many trike riders name trikes while naming diamond framed bicycles is fairly uncommon.  Since I've been hunting for a used trike in good condition,  within my budget,  I've never not considered naming it "Greta". Of course it's after Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, whose effort and tenacity on the issue I greatly respect. My thinking behind the name has altered slightly after watching a recent three party doco about her in 2019 and into Covid times. One of the messages Greta insists that people take on board is to not follow her,...

Deposit on GTR

  This is the ad on Gumtree that I noticed yesterday.  An old original Greenspeed GTR which I understand was THE touring model out it's time and has earned a reputation as a hard working,  long lasting trike.  I read a fantastic tutorial online on how to restore this exact model and it's pretty straightforward and affordable.  But it looks like it won't need much attention.  I believe that because it is a rigid frame, ie: non folding, that it's had little use.  The current owner has ridden it once in 5 years,  I think he said.   That tutorial also showed how 2.5" little fats can be fitted.  A good option for the t future.   One guy, responding to the tutorial I think,  wrote that he rode his GTR over 75 000 kilometres.  He regularly "got air" at the local ramp and committed and did Redux tours on her, and only decommissioned her when she "fell off the roof of [his] car"! Ye gads! So I've made a deposit and hope t...

The Central West Cycling Trail

 This quiet cycle trail features rural landscape, native bush areas, villages, small towns and regional cities.  There is adventure and fun on the roads less travelled". A new cycle trail has poked its way into my consciousness.  It's called the Central West Trail,  and weaves a 400k circuit through a number of tiny rural towns in western NSW between Mudgee, Gulgong and Dunedoo.  It's looks incredibly quiet  (some roads devoid of any vehicle traffic), relatively flat and quite scenic. Apparently, several  local villages profit from a modest number of cycling tourists that come through in organised tours or independent groups.  By coincidence an ancient  Greenspeed GT trike has come up for sale just south of the trail!? 

Cycle Touring

 Well I haven't riden beyond abput 40k's yet. But I've read lots of posts, articles and ebooks by long distance cyclists and I'm developing a body of useful knowledge.    There must be a shiteload of interest in cycling because the amount of advertising, spam and pseudo advertising through blogs and books, is mind numbing.  Honestly, every Goggle search reveals pages of crap: buy this bike,  it'll make you feel alive,  take you places you only dreamed of,  make you feel cool or other amazing feats.  Then there are the experts that push the novice towards high cost options,  daily gym workouts and guided tours.  All depressing reading.      But occasionally there are gems.  Just note i read an article by Magda in New York who wrote about her first 500 mile ride.  She said something profound: "I hate experts.  I wantto start a movement of people that defy experts and go on great adventures". Or words to t...

Fat Beach Touring

  So, here's an idea.  Instead of scuttling around the backstreets or clinging to the farthest margins of the main road like some metaphorical cockroach,  how about a totally new approach.  Dare I say a fat approach?! Ride  the beach. Say I want to go Newcastle to Sydney; yeh I  know,  who'd want to go to Sydney.  But let's just pick ac random destination.  Step one,  hit the beach and head south.  How's that for genius!? No traffic, easy navigation and excellent scenery. Whoa, what the?  You encounter a creek,  a river, lake or headland.  Simples! Chuck a right if you're heading south and keep following the obstacle until you come to an alt. route,  bridge or ferry.  Fat across the obstacle,  chuck a left till you hit the Big Blue and follow the EAC like Nemo and keep swimming south.   Snags and Solutions: * High tide or a lack of sand. Vs. Wait a few hours for the rouge to change,  go i...

Everest, Screw Everyone Else

  How sad that cash-fat, vaccinated Americans are climbing mount Everest.  In 2021 the Nepalese government issued a record number of climbing permits.   Positive Covid results at Base Camp have hit triple figures.   The wellbeing of the Sherpas, their families and other locals, comes a distant last in the competition for power,  wealth and fame.  

Separation > Life

 That cryptic header refers to life after separation. Up until 5 or so years ago I was married for 30 years, before my wife decamped. I was left unemployed,  with regular weekly debts and responsible for the daily care of two children.  The psychological and social impacts of this situation for children I will avoid commenting on. Even though our society totally supports separation as being good for the economy, it's disastrous for children as it undermines their sense of stability and trust in humankind.  But this is my blog, my post about what it's been like for me. Well obviously,  straight up there are some sleepless nights spent planning how to generate an income.  Even though my ex, (whom i don't talk to for obvious reasons),  left the home, I believe she expected me to fall in a heap and allow her to sell this property and then toss me a bag of lose change. But here's the thing,  becoming free from  her ah, negativity, and having a fre...

Are touring cyclists masochist ?

 As the late Ken Kifer once said: Long-distance bicycle touring is by nature a Quixotic activity. In these days of light-speed communications, multimedia entertainment, fast, powerful, and prestigious automobiles, luxurious homes, exotic restaurants, and instant gratification, why would someone choose to pedal at slow speeds up high hills carrying a heavy load to boil rice in a small pot in the dark, insect-filled woods alone at night? Are bicycle tourers and bikepackers driven by a masochistic self-hatred that causes them to perform painful and anachronistic pilgrimages. A quote lifted from "".  I'm not really a tourer yet, unless you consider various half- day rides.  But,  anyway,  Im taking the bait offered by the lure of hours of solitude,  disconnected from the social and electronic grid,  traveling, reading,  camping,  drinking coffee ... slowly.

Why Live Anywhere Else?

 Sometimes through the day, everyday, I say thanks  to the Fates for allowing me to live here. While building a roundyard for my daughter today, an electrical storm came rolling in from the west. As I made my way under shelter, I admired that my son has negun building himself a shed.

A nice cheap trike

  Aaaargh! Julian is Brisbane has posted this GT20 for a very  reasonable price of $2000. He's selling for his dad who is unwell and I suspect its way cheaper than its real market value.  The problem? I cannot really afford it.   POST SCRIPT: Well the following morning, after reading some posts under "Mother and Son Cross America" journal at , I got sll amped up to ask the Seller if he would accept a deposit to settle in less than two months. Ultimately he refusedy offer explaining that he needed the space and had a guy coming. Well, that happens I guess.     Anyway an interesting realisation came over just after I sent off my offercon the Greemspeed GT20. And that was, that I didn't really want it! I thought about my rough 4WD only driveway, my hard use when it to machinery and the fact that I really want to ride: a) slowly and comfortably and b) on as rough a ground as I need to to get as far away from greedy people and heavy...

Bafang Off or Consumption Creep

  What's wrong with this image?  What in this image is emblematic of humankind's greed? No, not the fat tyres or disk brakes.  But you're getting close.  Correct to those that said the Bafang mid-drive electric assist motor.   As the human race it's set pin it's own destruction through greed and over consumption, the  marlet engineers have wormed their incidious way onto the minds  of  the earth's geeenest citizens to convince  them of the need  for an electric drive on  their bikes and  trikes.  The simple bicycle design which  has served the nest pf humanoty for well over a hyndred years is now beong discarded en masse by the cycling  industry. No longer our it ok to take your bike,  load it with your basic possessions and pedal of to; work, a weekend away from the grind or to throws your job in and cycle of into the sunset.  Last night i watched some videos by some guy seeking social media game/...

The Farm Clearance Sale

 A hanging fog mists the air and dampens his charters As they lay about the old homestead,  for all to see. Some no longer used gems,  others evoke memories.  Though some bidders have respect,  it's mostly for profit.  That they come to kick,  eye off putt disregard his things.  But there,  a lanky young fellow,  enthusiastic and appreciative, of his purchases fills the old man with joy.  That at least some of his old things will be treasured.   So slowly his dog dampened eyes cease to water,  the weighty stoop  students with pride and the heart turns to hope. 

Why a trike?

 Here's a list of possible uses one may put a trike to;- 1) Neighborhood rides 2) Physical fitness  3) Errands and shopping 4) Day rides 5) Short two or three day excursions regionally, camping at night 6) Extended overland journeys cross country, camping or motels 7) Petroleum powered vehicle replacement 8) Off pavement riding on dirt trails and 4WD roads 9) Group rides with other tricyclists in your area 10) Adaptive cycling for physically impaired individuals An exhaustive (and exhausting), list courtesy of "trikeasylum com" They could have just written; riding for business or pleasure over various durations. Regardless,  it's a funnerer way to travel,  shop or pass time than sitting in a polluting car.  And with a trillion tonnes of glacial ice melting each treat over the last 28 years,  something we should be doing.  Greta Tunberg informs us,  via scientists that the Amazon rainforest is now a net producer of CO2, and that various significant...

Screw it I'm Going Fat!

 I've read more than I should have lately.  Mostly about trike touring and different makes and models listed for sale and reviewed. It's because triking is becoming an obsession for me.  Sailboat ownership has largely shifted beyond my financial grasp, and it was increasingly shifting outside my eco worldview. So cycle touring grabbed my attention.  As one wit wrote: "No car,  no partner,  no house.  No worries". So cool! Unfortunately I still own a car,  I need one for my small gardening business and to visit my mum,  but Im working on a car- less existence.  The house I won in a legal division of property following the sending of a 30 year partnership. I need to hold on to the farm because i have two young adult children who live here,  love  here and my daughter runs a fledgling horse training business here.   I actually bought a bike about 6 weeks ago. She's a very fine China-made steel framed touring bike  I...

Old Tools

 My son has developed an interest in old tools.  Hee wants to own them,  use them a bit and display them in his bedroom.  In the last weekend in April Isaac year the local agricultural cooled run field  days. You can buy anything from tractors as big as a house to individual chickens. There is also a crusty collection of old guys and men from India demonstrating or selling old tools.    We went, we bought old tools,  and handles for old tools,  but that's not what I want to talk about.  The highlight of the day was talking with a very old gentleman about his collection of hand tools.  Hee proudly showed us his hand handmade shifting spanner dating from the 1830s, then we thenamd about other tools that caught our attention. The topic got around to certain tools made by apprentices and the quality of older steels. Hee let us handle them.  The showed us a "real screwdriver with a one piece steel shaft that you can hit without it s...