Here's a list of possible uses one may put a trike to;-
1) Neighborhood rides
2) Physical fitness
3) Errands and shopping
4) Day rides
5) Short two or three day excursions regionally, camping at night
6) Extended overland journeys cross country, camping or motels
7) Petroleum powered vehicle replacement
8) Off pavement riding on dirt trails and 4WD roads
9) Group rides with other tricyclists in your area
10) Adaptive cycling for physically impaired individuals
An exhaustive (and exhausting), list courtesy of "trikeasylum
They could have just written; riding for business or pleasure over various durations. Regardless, it's a funnerer way to travel, shop or pass time than sitting in a polluting car. And with a trillion tonnes of glacial ice melting each treat over the last 28 years, something we should be doing. Greta Tunberg informs us, via scientists that the Amazon rainforest is now a net producer of CO2, and that various significant ecosystems around the planet are undergoing irreversible change/ degradation. We should be asking why is anyone NOT riding a biker or trike.
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