Julian is Brisbane has posted this GT20 for a very reasonable price of $2000.
He's selling for his dad who is unwell and I suspect its way cheaper than its real market value.
The problem? I cannot really afford it.
POST SCRIPT: Well the following morning, after reading some posts under "Mother and Son Cross America" journal at , I got sll amped up to ask the Seller if he would accept a deposit to settle in less than two months. Ultimately he refusedy offer explaining that he needed the space and had a guy coming. Well, that happens I guess.
Anyway an interesting realisation came over just after I sent off my offercon the Greemspeed GT20. And that was, that I didn't really want it! I thought about my rough 4WD only driveway, my hard use when it to machinery and the fact that I really want to ride: a) slowly and comfortably and b) on as rough a ground as I need to to get as far away from greedy people and heavy traffick, as I can.
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