So, here's an idea. Instead of scuttling around the backstreets or clinging to the farthest margins of the main road like some metaphorical cockroach, how about a totally new approach. Dare I say a fat approach?!
Ride the beach. Say I want to go Newcastle to Sydney; yeh I know, who'd want to go to Sydney. But let's just pick ac random destination. Step one, hit the beach and head south. How's that for genius!? No traffic, easy navigation and excellent scenery. Whoa, what the? You encounter a creek, a river, lake or headland. Simples! Chuck a right if you're heading south and keep following the obstacle until you come to an alt. route, bridge or ferry. Fat across the obstacle, chuck a left till you hit the Big Blue and follow the EAC like Nemo and keep swimming south.
Snags and Solutions:
* High tide or a lack of sand. Vs. Wait a few hours for the rouge to change, go inland.
* Sand on the chain. Vs. Use chain protectors, mudguards and regular maintenance.
* Petty Officials etc. telling me I can't ride on the beach. Vs. Obey the law unless you can get away with it, ride the promenade a while, pretend I'm Spanish; "que?", " per favor?"
* No shops. Vs Get real.
* Time to kill. Vs. Goo fishing, swimming, surfing.
* No caravan parks. Vs. Camp on the beach, nearby bush, some cat's front lawn.
Fully sick !
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