Well I haven't riden beyond abput 40k's yet. But I've read lots of posts, articles and ebooks by long distance cyclists and I'm developing a body of useful knowledge. There must be a shiteload of interest in cycling because the amount of advertising, spam and pseudo advertising through blogs and books, is mind numbing. Honestly, every Goggle search reveals pages of crap: buy this bike, it'll make you feel alive, take you places you only dreamed of, make you feel cool or other amazing feats. Then there are the experts that push the novice towards high cost options, daily gym workouts and guided tours. All depressing reading. But occasionally there are gems. Just note i read an article by Magda in New York who wrote about her first 500 mile ride. She said something profound: "I hate experts. I wantto start a movement of people that defy experts and go on great adventures". Or words to t...
No ads, no sales, just a keen beek sharing his experiences from first hive to a few dozen? We'll see.
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