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Gone to Fat


Its official, I have a new to me bike and its a fatty!

I tried my best to get a hold of a cheap used trike. But after clocking up more than 1400k only to see and the worst two trikes ever, I decided to postpone things trike until I get more money. So disillusioned by the whole affair. 

Truthfull, I was also a lityle put off by how low triles can be. Sitting at axle height on a trike with 20" wheels, is way low. I hope that when  I do buy , that I get a fat 26" wheeler. 

So anyway, this fatty. Its a 2016 Kona "Wo". 26"x4.80 Jumbo Jim tubeless tyres, 10 slot cassette with a twin cog forward, rack, disk brakes. The Kona brand is a joint Canadian-US design effort, made in Korea to spec. 

This particular bike was bought for the Running Man festival in Nevada U.S.A. in 2017, though its a 2016 model. She is asmall framed model and was imported with three larger versions, by its previous owner. They were ridden only lightly "around the Narrabeen Lakes" before being laid up. Being the smallest, mine had the least use. 

So I picked it up last night from Newport and today I pumped up the Jumbos for an impromtu ride around the local park. Unfortunatelt, Shimano disk brakes don't enjoy being left, so the brakes are iffy, which impacted my test ride. Overall, I would say its high quality, go anywhere at slow speed ride. Comfort, a big concern for my butt amd wrists, is exceptional. 

More to come. 


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