I couldn't express it this good. So here is a massive cut and paste that I will revisit.
"My trike is but one of many ways that I am choosing to change my world. I am no longer in a hurry to rush through my life in a blur, as I head for the final page. I don’t need to go so fast anymore that a highly toxic, costly, and complicated machine weighing 4,513 pounds is necessary to move my 160 pound body over the surface of my planet (that’s more than 28 pounds of steel, glass, plastic, rubber, oil, and gasoline per pound of my body weight, compared to about one-fifth of a pound per pound of my body weight for a trike to move me).
My trike is exciting and fun to ride, getting me around in a manner that is very much noticed by the seemingly endless ordinary automobile drivers that speed by in their passive state of travel. When I reach my destination, my body is stronger. When I arrive, I know that I have added a few pages to the story of my life, giving me the pleasure of enjoying the ride for a little bit longer."
Change is a good thing. My mind becomes numb when immersed in mediocrity. Life is short. Who wants to spend it caught up in the way of the masses? I need the challenge. It invigorates my spirit. Rather than continue to follow the popular path set for me by generations past, a road that I was taught is the way to financial success, I now choose to weave my life in simple ways that fulfill my belief that less is more.
Riding my trike enables this freedom, makes a bold statement to others, and is just downright fun anytime I get in it and go!"
Thank you =>
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