Yesterday I opened hive #1 amd found an amazing amount of burr comb that had been built in just two days. I had no mind to undo their work, i left what was on the lid. Besides that, it was layered with bees, evening smoking and shaking failed to shift them.
I set the super aside, placed with waxes frames only, then replaced the super full of honey, amd fonally the lid. I left axed st their efforts.
I set the super aside, placed with waxes frames only, then replaced the super full of honey, amd fonally the lid. I left axed st their efforts.
After hive #1, I opened #2. It was bound up also, so I used a twisting technique to sever the no nb eycomb. I found a mass a comb filled with honey.
Obviously i removed it. Shown here is about half the quantity . I put a queen excluder and new super on place and boxed it up. Afterwards, I mashed and strained the honeycomb to produce nearly 2lg of light gold honey.
I love bees!
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