Image dated 3/10/2021. MEREWETHER 5/10/2021 #1 High population. 2xDs +"new D. Robbed 3xFs. Needs Splitting. #2 1×D + 2x Is. Robbed 3Fs. #3 2xDs. Took Excluder. #4 2xDs + 1xI. Excluder had locked Q in higher box. Dead drones ++lower D empty. Swarmed today, used D to become #7 . #7 1×D new 8Oct (ex #4) MARTINS CREEK #5 2×Ds. 3/4 × honey stored. Ex removed. #6 2×Ds. Full, Robbed 1Fs only. Swarmed earlier but returned during Inspection. Q piping. #8 1×D @5/10. Ex #5. Work Ahead Merewether #1 & #2 Split Martins Creek #6 Split. Build - 3xIs - 3xB/Bs - 3xLs
Well my bees beat me up these last two weeks. To be fair though it was mostly my fault. So, I started with radix hives; two at coastal Merewether and two on my property near Paterson. Obviously the Merewether hives produced through winter and with a bit of an up-change in the weather they needed space for brood and honey. This caught me out (Lesson 1: don't procrastinate or aim to do the least amount of work. In other words don't be lazy.) I then had to rush around buying and assembling frames. Penders Bees reported that from their orders it's a bumper season. But I really need to not be so unprepared again. Adding Supers and extracting helped create space, but I'll be extracting again very soon with my spanking new machine. Unfortunately in hive #4 the Queen spent the winter above the Excluder and it really knocked them about. Removing the Excluder (which was a third full of dead Drones) got them working ok again. ...